
Tarka Autumn Term 2023

This half term in Art we have looked at the work of James de Rosso and used this to inspire our own clay sculptures. We really enjoyed designing and making our monster pinch pots. 
We were very excited to receive a card from the King and Queen thanking us for the 'If I were King for a Day' project that we completed in Codden Class. 
This week in DT we have spent time decorating our hand puppets, they are looking amazing and we can’t wait to show you! We have worked so carefully, sewing and decorating following our fantastic designs. 
We have had a very exciting week! On Wednesday the author Manjeet Mann visited us to share her story 'Whirly Twirly Me', and play some games with Tarka and Barum class. 
We also received some amazing Fantastic Beast creations, which we shared with the class. 
This week the children have settled really well back into school. They have enjoyed playing with their friends and are becoming familiar with the new routines. The children have all made a fantastic start to their learning; in maths we have started looking at counting and measuring and in English the children have been reading new stories by our visiting author. In topic we have started to look at this terms focus, which is Fantastic Beasts.